Home and Community Based Service (HCBS) Therapies

Senior and caretaker

At MTM Health, we believe in the power of leveraging alternative therapies to transform lives. By connecting Medicaid and Medicare members with innovative home and community based services (HCBS), we offer more than just traditional care. 

Our approach encompasses a variety of alternative therapies—such as equine, pet, art, music, and aquatic—that have been shown to significantly improve health outcomes. These therapies not only connect members to the care they need, but also provide opportunities for personal growth, social engagement, and emotional wellbeing.

Equine Therapy

Leveraging the bond between humans and horses, equine therapy enhances emotional regulation, confidence, and social skills, making it particularly effective for members with behavioral or mental health challenges.

Pet Therapy

The companionship of animals in pet therapy offers comfort, reduces anxiety, and fosters a sense of connection, which is especially beneficial for members dealing with loneliness or depression.

Art Therapy

Art therapy allows members to express emotions and thoughts creatively, aiding in mental health treatment, improving cognitive functions, and offering an outlet for self-expression.

Music Therapy

Through the therapeutic use of music, members can experience improved mood, reduced stress, and enhanced cognitive abilities. Music therapy is particularly impactful for those with neurological disorders.

Aquatic Therapy

Utilizing water-based exercises, aquatic therapy provides a low-impact environment for physical rehabilitation, improving mobility, strength, and overall physical well-being

The MTM Health Advantage: Tailored HCBS Therapies for Quality Care

MTM Health recognizes that every HCBS program is unique, which is why we offer customized solutions tailored to your organization’s specific needs. Our patient-centered approach fosters trust, delivers high-quality care, and enhances treatment outcomes—key factors that contribute to improved plan ratings.

Our alternative HCBS therapies provide effective options beyond traditional care. With nearly 30 years of experience coordinating non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) services, MTM Health leverages our proven networking approach to build and manage therapy provider networks. We hold providers accountable and utilize advanced technology to streamline processes and improve the member experience. For example, through our proprietary MTM Health platform, Case Managers can easily authorize services and therapy providers can manage all interactions seamlessly. Our comprehensive model emphasizes care coordination and prioritizes social reengagement, which is essential for promoting independence. From provider onboarding to billing, we handle every aspect of managing networks of alternative HCBS therapy providers.

As your trusted partner, MTM Health is dedicated to creating a well-rounded HCBS program that aligns with value-based care models, prioritizes health outcomes, and addresses healthcare disparities.

HCBS Therapy Programs: Transformative Solutions for Positive Outcomes

MTM Health specializes in coordinating alternative HCBS therapy programs that deliver measurable benefits for both adults and adolescents. These proven programs foster positive social interactions and offer a wide range of benefits, including:

  • Enhanced communication and attention skills
  • Improved cognitive thinking
  • The ability to relate to others
  • Increased self-confidence
  • Improved independence, quality of life, and community integration
Man in wheelchair smiling at a horse; equine therapy

HCBS Therapy Success in Member Populations

MTM’s alternative HCBS therapy solutions have proven successful across various member populations, including adolescents and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), individuals with behavioral health needs, and foster care populations. We collaborate closely with several Medicaid managed care programs in Texas, Florida, and Missouri to coordinate therapies that offer alternative methods for treating mental, developmental, social, and physical impairments, including members affected by abuse, trauma, PTSD, and diagnoses like autism, ADD, and ADHD. In 2023 alone, MTM Health managed more than 6,000 therapy referrals and processed more than 127,000 claims from providers on behalf of our clients in these states, demonstrating our commitment to enhancing the quality of life for vulnerable populations through innovative care.

Here’s a snapshot of the feedback and experiences we’ve heard from members and their therapists:

[Member] has had four equine therapy visits and already has more control over her space and boundaries; is gaining self-worth and confidence in her abilities; completes her homework each week; and shows improvement in her ability to verbalize and express herself.

“[Member] is beginning to walk normally; when he first arrived, he struggled to make it from the car to the building—a distance of 20 feet. Now he is walking from the car to the barn with ease—a distance of 200 feet.

[Member] hadn’t interacted with a dog in years but loves watching Ceaser Milan’s dog training. He did command work with the dogs, and we got him down on the floor to interact with them. He said this isn’t therapy—this is fun! He was smiling from ear to ear.

My experience with my family and life feels so much happier and more joyful since I started this program.

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