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MTM Begins Transporting THP Members in District of Columbia

MTM, Inc. announced today that on July 1, it began providing non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) services to members of Trusted Health Plan (THP), a Medicaid managed care plan that serves the District of Columbia. Under this new NEMT program, MTM will provide approximately 31,500 annual trips to a population of 30,000 members. The initial one-year contract will bring MTM a projected $670,000 in annual revenue.

Working with THP’s case managers, MTM will identify members with complex healthcare needs, who will then be designated as VIPs. This status will allow members with complex and/or chronic conditions to schedule same day appointments, with the ultimate goal of decreasing emergency department utilization by 10%, improving medication compliance to 90%, and achieving an appointment attendance rate of 95%.

“Overutilization of emergency department services is a huge concern for many health plans, and MTM’s ability to immediately transport members to their primary care physicians will divert many THP members who may have previously been inclined to visit the emergency room instead,” said MTM President and CEO Alaina Maciá. “Transportation is an important aspect of any health plan’s benefits, and we look forward to working with THP to ensure members access to the care they need to stay healthy.”


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